Everyones life’s journey begins with going to a college, taking a loan, graduating and finally starting a dream job. After starting a job, many people live frugally and pay off their student loan while others paying bare minimum monthly payments. I started work, lived frugally and kept on paying my student loan. I finished and […]
How do I make a 13.5% return on Investment in 2023?
Every year is a blessing if you find opportunities. The interest rate was very low during the pandemic. Gradually to cool off inflation the Fed started raising interest rates. People who bought homes with loans over $700k at a 2% interest rate pay $14k in interest. Comparably, in August 2023 borrowing $200k at 7% you […]
A simple way to create income to pay your daily expenses
The easiest way to create an income is by investing in the stock market. Stock market has thousands of stocks listed and it can be daunting to find a good one where you don’t lose money. Loss and Gains are a part of the financial journey that will give you invaluable knowledge. Step 1: List […]
Building Wealth Passively: Explore 10 Income Ideas That Will Change Your Life
Passive income refers to income that is generated with minimal effort or active involvement once the initial setup is done. There are many ways to make a passive income. Making passive income is similar to putting effort into any job. After all passive incomes cannot be generated by themselves. Generating income would require trading of […]